Waitakere Park Lodge


1. 辛苦了一天,从到处是密码的豪华FLAT出来度假,虽然我自己住别墅,但是有朋自远方来,还是要给友人预定其他的Flat,没有想到,由于时间短,每周300新币的价格,着实宰了我一笔,1新币=5元人民币.



2.  终于结束这里的生活,圣诞就到了,我一生中第一个南半球的盛夏圣诞,委实让我激动,一开心,预定了如下另外一处山庄!(下图就是上庄外景)坐落在原始森林之中,远处湛湛露斯,匪阳不晞.

  History of the Waitakere Park Lodge

Where the difference counts

Waitakere Park Lodge is owned and operated by the Nevill-jackson family.The lodge has been built by Captain Nevill-Jackson and his family. A retired airlane pilot,Captain Nevill-Jackson had been all over the world,had made many friends in many countries,and was familiar with most of the world's beauty spot.In 1940,he literally hacked his way through the forest of the Waitakere Ranges,800ft(240m)above sea level,to begin building the lodge.

Waitaker Park Lodge is now operated by Captain Nevill-Jackson' two sons,Reg and Hugh Nevill-Jackson.Reg and Hugh are continuing to improve and enhance the facilities of Waitakere Park Lodge,building on the remarkable achievements of their parents.

You'll love Waitakere Park Lodge and you'll discover for yourself the family's tradition and reputation for hospitality and service gained over the years is richly deserved. 







